Filing period opens Friday

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 5, 2007

Filing for municipal offices begins tomorrow (Friday).

At 12 noon, the board of elections offices in Bertie, Hertford and Northampton counties will open the books for those interested in filing for mayor and town board positions in the three counties.

Filing will remain open until 12 noon, Friday, July 20.


Those offices which are open for this year include (with incumbents listed in parenthesis):

Bertie County

Askewville – Mayor (John Pierce); three commissioners (Mary Lou Jernigan, Rodney Thomas and Kay Brantley);

Aulander – Mayor (Joe Jernigan); two commissioners (Bobbie Parker and Jeanette Tinkham);

Colerain – Mayor (Burney Baker); two commissioners (Robert Fringer and the vacant seat held by the late Leroy Fairless);

Kelford – Mayor (Tim Emory); five commissioners (James Bland Jr., Frank Harris, Linda Hathaway, Bailey Parker and Tierce Ruffin);

Lewiston-Woodville – three commissioners (Lewiston District n Chris Cordon; Woodville District n Eddie Graham, At-Large n Larry Mizelle);

Powellsville – Mayor (Thomas Asbell); three commissioners (Ernie Carter, L.D. Hoggard and J.T. Watford);

Roxobel – Mayor (Gary Johnson); four commissioners (H.C. Boschen, David Bracy, Carroll Minton and Sammie Pruden);

Windsor – three commissioners (Bob Brown, Hoyt Cooper, Charles W.D. Fulk).

Hertford County

Ahoskie – Mayor (Linda Blackburn); two commissioners (Ward A n Elaine Myers and Ward B n Carl Askew);

Cofield – Mayor (Hermea Pugh); five commissioners (Anthony Archer, Nettie C. Brickers, Ronald Sutton, Lee Watford Jr. and Anthony Wynn);

Como – Mayor (Irvin Stephens); four commissioners (Kevin Higbee, Susan Kennington, Stephen Pearce and Ann Spruill);

Harrellsville – Mayor (Robert Dantz), five commissioners (Deborah Baker, Jo M. Liles, Coleman Taylor, Mary Thompson and Roy Worrells Jr.);

Murfreesboro – Mayor (Lynn Johnson), five commissioners (Lloyd Hill, Gloria Odum, Bill Stephens, Bill Theodorakis and Sarah Wallace);

Winton – Mayor (Calvin Hall); five commissioners (Carolyn Bazemore, Ernest Green, Charles Jones, Wesley Liverman and McCoy Pierce).

Northampton County

Conway – Mayor (Brian Bolton); five commissioners (George Clark, Peggy Davis, Alan Harris, William Joyner and James Woodard Jr.);

Jackson – Mayor (John McKellar); two commissioners (Bill Futrell and Stevie Harrell);

Lasker – Mayor (Dick Collier); three commissioners (Charles Daughtry, Ribbin Gibson and Brenda Whitley);

Rich Square – Mayor (Peggy Risper); five commissioners (Charles Eason, Raymond Joyner, Michael Slauzis, William Smallwood and Reginald White);

Severn – Mayor (George McGee); five commissioners (Frank Ferguson, Harold Garris, Troy Holloman, Ellie Martin and Parker Watson Jr.);

Woodland – Mayor (Jay Jenkins); four commissioners (Joe Blythe, Les Clark, David Cooper and Joe Mitchell).