Council approves Main Street extension

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 29, 2007

AHOSKIE – The door – or in this case, the street – has been opened for economic gain.

As part of Monday’s Ahoskie Town Council meeting recessed from June 12, an issue to extend West Main Street gained approval.

At the meeting, council members learned that Tim Newsome of Commercial Ready Mix had formally requested the town pave a 225-foot long section (27 feet wide) from where West Main Street now ends at the Ahoskie Recreation Center from Newsome’s property line to Pine Ridge Road.


Commercial Ready Mix is moving forward with a residential development on the east side of Pine Ridge Road, one that will consist of 24, single-family homes priced in the $125,000-to-$150,000 range.

According to figures presented by Ahoskie Town Manager Tony Hammond, the estimated tax on a $150,000 home would be $1,115 per year. If all 24 homes are built in the $150,000 price range, that would mean $25,410 in annual tax revenue for the town.

Additionally, the town could add upwards to nearly $119,000 annually in water/sewer capacity fees.

The total cost of paving the section of West Main Street is $11,909.55.

“Commercial Ready Mix has agreed to pay for one-half of the paving project, leaving the town to pick-up the other 50 percent of the cost,” Hammond said.

Hammond added that Ahoskie’s share of the project would be covered under Powell Bill (street improvement) funds.

“This is a good deal in regards to the plans for the homes in the subdivision that will add to our tax base,” Hammond said.

Council members agreed as they approved the request to share the cost of paving that portion of West Main Street.