Bertie ok’s junkyard ordinance

Published 12:00 am Monday, February 26, 2007

WINDSOR – Bertie County officials continue in their quest to ensure the aesthetic quality of the environment.

Following a scheduled public hearing held here last week, the Bertie County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve amendments to the county’s Junkyard and Abandoned Vehicles Ordinance.

With its passage, the newly worded ordinance becomes effective immediately.


One of the key amendments deals with the changing of the terms “establishment” and “place of business.” The ordinance now simply refers to areas where junk or junk vehicles are stored as a “place.” That language change was aimed at landowners who allow junk to be stored on their property.

Another point of contention was how to notify those who maintain motor vehicle graveyards or junkyards. Originally, Bertie officials planned to send a written notice by certified mail, but nixed that idea in favor of simply posting the revised ordinance in a public place as well as urging local newspapers to publish the material.

Now, the portion of the ordinance dealing with that matter reads: “All owners, operators or maintainers of motor vehicle graveyards and junkyards existing at the effective date of this ordinance shall register the same with the Bertie County Planning and Inspections Department within a period of 30 days from the effective date of this ordinance. All existing motor vehicle graveyards or junkyards that have not been registered within 30 days of the effective date of this ordinance shall be in violation of the provisions of this ordinance.”

Those failing to register past the 30-day period or found in violation of any part of the ordinance will be served by the Bertie Sheriff’s Office with a Notice of Violation. Those parties then have 30 days in which to bring themselves into compliance with the ordinance.

Anyone wishing to see a copy of the ordinance is urged to contact the Bertie County Manager’s Office at 794-5300 or stop by the Bertie County Governmental Office Building at 106 Dundee Street in Windsor during normal weekday office hours.