Three earn scholarships

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 21, 2006

AHOSKIE – Three student-athletes who participated in the inaugural Lt. Nick Brantley Scholarship Tournament received $500 scholarship awards.

The awards, given by Sonny Larabee of Northeast Orthopedic, Joe Mizelle of Mizelle’s Accounting and Nucor Steel n Hertford County, were given in honor of Lt. Nick Brantley.

Lauren Lilley of Ridgecroft School, Drew Pinnix of Northeast Academy and Frank Feher of Bethel Christian Academy were chosen by the scholarship committee to receive the awards.


“This was an arduous task because so many of the student-athletes represented the characteristics we were looking for,” Ridgecroft Headmaster Elton Winslow, who served on the committee, said.

The requirements for eligibility in the process included a B average in academics, hard-nosed play and sportsmanship were just some of the criteria used.

“Basically, our goal was to find players who played the way Nick Brantley played,” News-Herald Publisher Jeff Findley said. “We wanted student-athletes who would represent what he was about.”

The nomination process saw more than three dozen student-athletes meet the eligibility requirements. The committee then had to narrow those down through play at the tournament, attitude and effort.

Lilley is a senior at Ridgecroft School and is a three-sport athlete with an excellent GPA. She is known for sportsmanship and dedication.

Pinnix is one of the fiercest

competitors in the Roanoke-Chowan region, but plays hard with a good attitude and desire for the game. In addition to his work on the basketball court, Pinnix led Northeast Academy to the semi-finals in football.

Feher is one of the area’s finest young men who plays hard every night and is always respectful and represents Bethel Christian Academy well.

“We’re pleased with the three student-athletes who we were able to recognize,” News-Herald Sports Editor Thadd White said. “They are all deserving of this honor.”

The Lt. Nick Brantley Scholarships will be given each year at the tournament and will help deserving young people pay for college.

The scholarship committee was made up of: Jeff Findley (Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald), Nancy Brittenham (United Country Joe Murray Realty), Heather Odom (Northeast Academy), Jennipher Daughtry (Bertie Ledger-Advance), Thadd White (Lawrence Academy), Elton Winslow (Ridgecroft School) and Edith Williford (Bethel Christian Academy).