Parker pulls upset; Bracy wins open seat

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 4, 2006

WINDSOR – Two new faces will be seen on the Bertie County Board of Education.

Following Tuesday’s Primary election, challenger Alton Parker upset incumbent Gary Cordon for the District 4 seat on the School Board. Meanwhile in a race between two newcomers in District 3, Michael Bracy was the favored candidate over Dean Stephens. That seat became open after veteran Bertie School Board member and current chairman Seaton Fairless opted not to seek reelection.

In the District 4 race, Parker swept eight of the county’s 12 precincts to win by a healthy 778-vote margin (2,229-1,451). Parker’s win was solidified by more than a 2-1 advantage in the Windsor I and II precincts. There, Parker held a comfortable 715-327 advantage.


The victor also used wide margins in Roxobel (205-108), White’s (188-43), Merry Hill (131-50) and Colerain I (118-66) to easily outdistance his opponent.

“I strongly feel the people of Bertie County saw a need for change and that’s why I was elected,” Parker said. “They saw a need for a change in direction because they, like myself, know the direction we are now headed in education is not the way we should be going.”

Parker expressed his appreciation to those who helped him win the seat.

“I sincerely appreciate each and every one who trusted me with their vote,” he noted. “I also appreciate those who were very instrumental in my campaign, namely Mr. and Mrs. Charles Angel, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Angel, Frank Harris, Ahmad Vaughan, Robert Carter, Trin Smallwood, Brenda Heckstall, Jackie Cherry, Cheryl Geiger and my family. I send a heartfelt thank-you to all of my supporters.”

Cordon’s base of support was witnessed in Indian Woods (74-29), Snakebite (152-75), Colerain II (155-149) and Woodville (169-85).

Meanwhile in the District 3 School Board race, Bracy dominated his opponent. In winning nine precincts, Bracy collected 2,346 votes while Stephens was named on 1,191 ballots.

Bracy rode the strength of a wide margin in Windsor I (497-232) along with dominance in the Roxobel (238-42), Woodville (181-36) Snakebite (167-41), Mitchell’s I (133-29) and Colerain II (198-96) precincts to surpass his opponent.

Stephens won the Colerain I (122-93), White’s (114-106) and Windsor II (141-129) precincts.

Bracy was not available for comment.