Citizens may qualify for free services

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 10, 2005

WINDSOR – Bertie County has $75,000 at its disposal to spend on needy citizens.

On Monday, following the second of its required pair of public hearings dealing with its Infrastructure Hook-Up Program, the Bertie County Commissioners formally issued an invitation to qualified county residents seeking to hook-up to the county’s, or municipal, water/sewer system.

The available grant money ($75,000) is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. That money will pay for water/sewer hook-ups for those qualified citizens whose residences are in areas where public water and/or sewer service is currently available.


However, County Manager Zee Lamb pointed out if those available water/sewer lines were funded, whole or in part, by CDBG grants, there is no assistance available.

The criteria to apply is based upon income eligibility. Only low to moderate income households can be connected to the lines. Those households are defined at 80 percent or less of Bertie County’s median family income.

For low-income renters, the property owner must also qualify under the same guidelines.

In addition, residences to be connected must have indoor plumbing, in working order, prior to making an application.

Those seeking more information on Bertie’s Infrastructure Hook-Up Program can call the Bertie County Manager’s office at 794-5300.