The Superintendent’s Report

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 8, 2005

I am most appreciative of the publisher and editor for allowing me the privilege of communicating to the citizens of our community, on a regular basis, through this publication. It is an effort by the Northampton County Board of Education and myself to ensure that the public is aware of various matters important to them that normally may not make the headlines.

As most citizens are aware, the State Board of Education and General Assembly have enacted several measures designed to make schools more accountable. These measures include, but are not limited to, mandatory testing of students, the establishment of promotion retention standards for students and changes in graduation requirements for students. Other changes include report cards ranking each school. In that the quality of education and economic development are so closely linked, as the Northampton County School System meets the challenges of these new requirements, it is our hope that the economy of our community will be strengthened.

To address these mandates, the school system is working diligently to be proactive in an era of accountability for student performance. Obviously, these initiatives place additional responsibilities on students, teachers, support staff and administrators. I am pleased to report that since arriving in Northampton County, I have observed that everyone is striving to meet these expectations.


Teachers, support staff and administrators are working harder and longer to find ways to enhance student performance.

Equally important, while many strides still need to be made in this area, I have also observed that there is a renewed sense of parental and community support for our schools. I am eternally grateful that so many citizens recognize the importance of their involvement in schools and serving as positive role models for children and youth.

While the Northampton County Schools have made significant progress in the area of parent and community participation in schools, we need more. As you think about your goals for this new school year as parents and citizens, would you consider making a personal resolution to serve a minimum of one hour a week in some type of volunteer capacity?

You can assist in the school system or in our community, as a tutor, mentor, lunch buddy, homework helper, bus stop monitor, Sunday School leader, youth sport leader or as visiting artist or historian to a class.

Students are savvy. They observe adults daily as they go about their respective activities. They know who cares and who does not. They learn about being an adult from watching adults. While they may not admit it, they enjoy interactions with adults. They are curious about the attitudes and habits that have helped sustain adults through the good and not so good times. They need to know that adults in our community value education, regardless of how much or how little one has.

Please contact me at the Board of Education or a school principal if you are willing to serve in a volunteer capacity. Both the lives of students and your life will be significantly impacted. I am confident that your involvement can truly impact student academic performance and behavior in a positive manner. Thank you for your willingness to help.