Humane Society schedules meetings

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 25, 2005

In an effort to address the overpopulation of dogs and cats in Bertie and Hertford counties, the Roanoke-Chowan Humane Society has arranged for a pair of upcoming meetings.

At 10 a.m. on Saturday (Aug. 27), the public is invited to take part in an informational meeting to be held at the Bertie Council for Aging building located on School Street in Windsor.

R-C Humane Society officers and Bertie County officials are scheduled to attend the meeting from where information will be gained in order for the Humane Society to move forward with its plans to construct a two-county animal shelter.


At 4 p.m. on Thursday (Aug. 31), representatives of Bertie and Hertford county government will meet with R-C Humane Society officers in Winton at the Hertford County Board of Commissioners room to further discuss what options and resources are available for the proposed shelter.