Ahoskie men face pot charges

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 2, 2005

AHOSKIE – Two Ahoskie men were arrested earlier this week for marijuana possession.

Working with Hertford County Community Corrections in separate cases, Ahoskie Police officer Andres Snape arrested Jamel Tyrone Tyler of 1006 North Catherine Creek Road and Tony Lavonne Mitchell Jr. of Pinegate Apartments, #52.

Tyler’s arrest came on Monday evening following a warrantless search of his residence conducted by Hertford County Probation officers Rochelle Simmons and Brian Cooke.


That search, granted through the terms of Tyler’s probation, turned-up five small bags of marijuana in his front pocket. An additional amount of marijuana, in the shape of a brick, was discovered in a freezer in Tyler’s home as well as smaller amounts of pot, in plastic bags, found behind a sofa in the living room area of the residence.

All totaled, 271 grams of marijuana was found.

Tyler was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana and maintaining a dwelling to store a controlled substance. He was placed under a $50,000 secured bond and transported to the Hertford County Jail.

One day later (Tuesday, June 28), Cooke and fellow Probation Officer Larry Rascoe were conducting a search on Mitchell’s residence. That search revealed two sandwich bags containing a combined 37 smaller bags of marijuana – totaling 51 grams.

Snape arrested Mitchell under the identical charges as filed against Tyler.

Mitchell was taken to the Hertford County Jail under a $42,000 secured bond.

&uot;I commend the work of the Community Corrections officers as well as Officer Snape for a job well done in both of these cases,&uot; said Ahoskie Police Chief Troy Fitzhugh. &uot;The quantity of drugs found in these cases are drugs that will not hit our streets and that’s vital as we continue to wage our war against illegal narcotics.&uot;