Hall not pleased with HCHS report

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 26, 2005

WINTON – Displeased. Unsatisfied. Frustrated.

Any of those words described Hertford County Board of Education member J. Wendell Hall Monday night following the exit report of the state-assigned assistance team at Hertford County High School.

&uot;I’ve seen this report before haven’t I,&uot; Hall asked team leaders.


&uot;Yes,&uot; answered co-leader Shaneel Branch.

&uot;Not a lot has changed,&uot; Hall said. &uot;What do we do to bring about change? I’ve seen it. It’s time to stop seeing it and see change.&uot;

The report that brought out Hall’s frustration indicated more than a dozen areas in which Hertford County High School needed to make change to be successful.

Included among the list given by assistance team co-leader Ken Reddick was high expectations. Reddick said the school and the teachers must expect more out of students for the students to be able to achieve.

Reddick indicated that Assistant Superintendent Charles Johnson had helped the school make strides in that area because of his constant presence. Still, the team indicated there was work to be done.

Other areas identified included making sure administrators were trained in the teacher appraisal methods, stability, classroom rigor, having all segments of the student population meet Annual Yearly Progress, assigning teachers to their areas of expertise, pacing of courses, variety in assessments, more specific lesson plans, making modification for exceptional children and continuing to work on personal education plans.

Reddick said the team was leaving a strategic plan that was a blueprint for success. He insisted on the need for the school to follow that road map.

Upon Hall’s questioning about what should be done, Branch was straightforward in her response.

&uot;First of all, you have to do the things you’ve seen before,&uot; she said. &uot;The reports that have been left before have not been addressed. Until we see that, it won’t happen.

&uot;Follow the strategic plan,&uot; she continued. &uot;When that is done, those needs will be addressed. Almost nothing has been addressed from previous reports.&uot;

Hall asked who should be responsible for making sure the changes were implemented as directed.

Branch said, &uot;There is no blame. You all have to work together as a team. It’s going to take all of you, but we know you are capable of doing it.&uot;

The Rev. Patrick Young said, &uot;What you’re saying is that the last time you left a plan and we disregarded it? I guarantee this one board member will look at it.&uot;

Branch said the report was given to Larry J. Cooper, the school’s interim principal, and that Cooper was appreciative of the suggestions.

&uot;He believes it will give him somewhere to start,&uot; Branch said. &uot;Also, Mr. Johnson has been active and involved in supporting this. Those two working together will be a great start.&uot;

Reddick also indicated that Superintendent Dennis M. Deloatch had been key in addressing the issues of the report and helping define the issues that were raised in it.

There were also several positives mentioned in the report.

The first listed was the positive potential of the students at the high school.

&uot;You have great students at the high school level,&uot; Reddick said.

The second strength listed was the JROTC Program and the Cultural Arts Program. Reddick said not only did those instructors expect success in their classrooms, but also insisted that students involved in the programs be successful throughout their academic endeavors.

Other strengths of the school were the bus transportation system, the size of classes, security and senior projects.

The only major occurrence reported in the report was the fact that principal Larry Lewis was &uot;relieved of his duties&uot; during March of this year.