Bertie Co. offers CERT training

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 8, 2005

WINDSOR n Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)

are trained to take care of themselves and then help others in their community for the first three days following disaster.

This is a time when debris-clogged or damaged roads, disrupted communications or a high volume of calls may prevent access by emergency response personnel.


This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. With training and practice and by working as a team, you will be able to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people after a disaster, while protecting yourself from becoming a victim.

The CERT course consists of 21 hours of training. Classes are taught by emergency responders, including firefighters, emergency medical and law enforcement from your community.

The course agenda includes:

Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness.

Unit 2: Disaster Fire Suppression.

Unit 3: Disaster Medical Operations.

Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue Operations.

Unit 6: CERT Organization.

Unit 7: Disaster Psychology.

Unit 8: Terrorism and CERT.

The target audiences for this course are private citizens, businesses and schools that want the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a disaster.

Bertie County Emergency Management will offer this training in the latter half of March 2005. This will be a four night class with each session lasting about four hours. There will be no charge for this training.

If you or your group are interested, please contact Bertie County Emergency Management: Office 794-5302, Cell 724-1675, or e-mail