Applaud the Rotarians
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Life in Gates County is always interesting and this week was no exception.
In fact, I was quite honored to speak to the Gates County Rotary Club as they gathered Tuesday for their weekly meeting.
I came to the meeting with some knowledge of Rotary, an international organization that promotes volunteerism and service to others in the communities in which they serve. I had the distinct pleasure of working with the club in Suffolk where I was a reporter at the News-Herald for many years.
Rotarians are a special breed of people. They believe in giving, giving, and giving to others. Not just those in need, but also they give of their own funds to help eradicate polio, and they give scholarships, and awards of all types to many students and others deserving community recognition. Rotary Club members also help promote peace and understanding throughout the world through their many humanitarian programs.
The Gates County Rotary Club is comprised of business leaders, professionals, farmers, and dedicated volunteers from throughout the community. Currently, the club is asking members to prepare for their &uot;Womanless
Wedding,&uot; which is coming up on Jan. 21 and 22, 2005. Joe France, executive director of Down East Health and Rehab is chairing this fundraiser.
A second fundraiser, a &uot;Chicken Pie Supper&uot;at Gatesville Elementary School takes place Feb. 10, 2005.
As an observer over the years, I would urge the citizens of Gates County to strongly support these events, and any, that our local Rotary International members promote. The funds raised go to fight polio, provide hearing aids for children, cateract operations for those who cannot afford them, and they provide textbooks for elementary schools. All these projects are commendable.
Right now, the Gates County Rotary Club is again to be commended. They have embarked upon another new project; finding and honoring an individual who gives &uot;Service Above Self.&uot; This person will be honored by Rotary during
their February 2005 meeting.
The club is seeking nominations and they have handed out forms to members who will be distributing them through their churches, and they may also be obtained from Rotararian Cleve Hawkins. Nominations must be submitted by
Dec. 31.
There are many people in Gates County who give of their time, skills and even their own money to improve the quality of life for others in this county, and I would urge everyone to make their nomination as soon as possible.
Nominees must be a resident of Gates County, and the letters of nomination must be attached to the official nomination form which explains the individual’s contributions.
Nominations and letters supporting the nomination should be mailed to the Gates County Rotary Club, PO Box 635, Gatesville, NC 27938.