Vote today!

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Unless you have been sheltered from civilization for the past 18 months, then you realize that today is Election Day.

Later tonight we will know who will lead our country, who will lead our state, and who will represent us in Congress. There is much riding on the outcomes of the voting today. However, the most important thing to remember is how you will affect the outcomes. Please go to the polls today and vote.

Whichever candidate that you support or whichever political party that you support, exercise your right to vote. Many of our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and mothers and fathers have paid the ultimate price to give you this awesome responsibility of choosing our leaders for the next four years. There are many places around the world where the chance to choose is simply a dream. We all take that chance for granted from time to time.


It seems like every four years we hear that this election is the most important election in our lifetime. You know, considering the current state of the world, that statement could very well be true.

The issues of this election have been talked about over and over, so I am not going to bring them up again. After numerous debates, press conferences, appearances, and interviews each candidate did his best to convince the citizens of North Carolina to cast their vote his way. More than likely, you have already decided which way to cast your vote and you should feel good about your choice when you mark the ballot.

If you are registered, go to the polls today. If you are a registered voter, please go register so that you can have your say on the next election.