REC honors Co-Op Month

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 7, 2004

RICH SQUARE – This month, the nation’s 900 electric cooperatives join the more than 40,000 cooperatives around the country to celebrate National Co-op Month.

The cooperative form of business is making a difference in all aspects of life-utilities, housing, agriculture, health care, banking, insurance, and childcare. Cooperatives serve 120 million members, or four in 10 Americans.

Roanoke Electric Cooperative is a local business, owned by the people it serves. That means conducting business through a locally elected board of directors and an annual meeting where policy is proposed and voted on by consumers. It’s the &uot;people&uot; part-the personal involvement, the grassroots activities-that characterizes what we, the Co-op, is all about.


Roanoke Electric’s commitment begins with helping keep electric bills as low as possible. They deliver service to members at the cost of service. There are no hidden fees and no profits for investors in faraway cities. Any money that is left over beyond the operation of the business is returned to its members; thus strengthening the economic well being of local towns and neighborhoods.

People who know the community resolve questions about service and billing locally.

Because REC is so closely linked to communities, there are countless examples of activities that have the &uot;co-op touch&uot;: conducting safety programs at schools and at the local fire departments; helping elderly citizens at nursing homes; sponsoring local fairs; working with community organizations to get new businesses or new housing started; participating with civic groups in developing and improving health-care, crime-watch, and Amber Alert programs, donating discovery channel kits to middle schools-the list goes on and on.

It is precisely because Roanoke Electric Cooperative is a local business, owned by its member-consumers and staffed by local professionals that it is in a good position to listen and respond to its customers’ needs. All these things-helping consumers save energy, economic development, and volunteerism-point to one thing: Roanoke Electric Cooperative and its staff are more than just an electric utility. They are an integral part of the community. That’s why they will continue to do everything they can to improve the quality of life in the local communities.

When asked why cooperatives like Roanoke Electric would be involved in these kinds of activities, Executive Vice President and CEO Curtis Wynn stated, &uot;We have always played an important role in our communities. Service means not only making sure the electricity is flowing but also making sure that the communities and its citizens are thriving and prospering.&uot;

He continued, &uot;Service means helping friends, neighbors, and business colleagues on Main Street and nearby-the people you see on a day-to-day basis. Service means reaching toward new horizons to make a life better for everyone.

Roanoke Electric Cooperative is a company that cares about the people it serves. That service goes a long way beyond keeping the lights on. It’s neighbors helping neighbors. That’s what it’s all about-that’s the electric co-op tradition.&uot;