Schools juggle schedules

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 24, 2003

The majority of schools in Hertford, Northampton, and Bertie counties remain closed in wake of damage caused by Hurricane Isabel.

Northampton County Public Schools resumed classes Wednesday and have scheduled the first make-up day for Saturday September 18 from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m.

Other make-up dates will be announced at a later date.

Gaston College Preparatory, a charter school, also in Northampton County, as well as Chowan College, resumed normal class schedules Wednesday.

Northeast Academy will resume classes effective today.

As of yet, no significant damage save downed trees, power outages and food losses have been reported by any of the above educational facilities.

Hertford County Public Schools reopened to faculty Wednesday to be used as an optional teacher workday, with classes set to resume, tentatively, on Monday September 29. Ahoskie Christian School experienced some mild damage to the siding of one of their buildings as well as some roof damage to the old church and had been scheduled to discuss dates of reopening Wednesday evening, However, results from the meeting were unavailable as of deadline.

Ahoskie Christian Center reported the loss of food supplies as a result of power outages from Isabel but suffered only mild roof damage and resumed classes as well as daycare on Wednesday.

Attempts were made to contact Bethel Assembly, Lawrence and R-C Christian academies as well as Ridgecroft School, to no avail, either due to no one answering the phones or downed lines, causing service to be unavailable.

Bertie County suffered minor damage to their facilities with the exception of CG White School, which is in need of roof repair due to a fallen tree.

Food supplies, which officials were able to get to before spoilage, were donated to shelters in Bertie and Martin counties.

Although power has not been restored to all of the county schools, Southwesten Middle School, in Windsor, and West Bertie Elementary have been restored.

A food shipment is scheduled to arrive on Friday and officials are projecting a tentative date of reopening on Monday. However, because officials could not receive delivery of milk in time for Monday’s tentative date, breakfast will not be served that morning.

According to Public Information Officer, Brent Todd, it is likely that all public schools will open in conjunction with each other.

In summary, remaining schools will likely remain closed pending safe travel conditions and restored utilities until further notice.

Additional information will be published as soon as it becomes available.